Score Bench Information

Currently Moreton Bay Suns are compiling a register of accredited and non accredited members who have ever completed a Level 1 or Level 2 Score bench Course. If any member has attended a course could they please email our score table coordinator Calaya Rillie by clicking the button below and including your name and course attendance date where possible. Any Moreton Bay Suns members from 12yrs and up who would like to learn score bench please contact us.
What does a score table official do?
Score table officials work as a team with the referees to maintain the scoring and timekeeping of the game.
​ The basic duties of each score table position are as follows:
Chairperson: Ensure the smooth operation on the score table and communicates with the referees.
Scorer: Completes the scoresheet.
Assistant Scorer: This position is not always required but when present will assist with operating the scoreboard.
Timekeeper: Operate the game clock and in most situations also operate the scoreboard.
Shot clock operator: Operate the shot clock by stopping and resetting according to the rules.
In high-level basketball such as SQJBC, QSL competitions teams have a maximum of 24 seconds to attempt a shot once they obtain possession of the ball. If they miss a shot but are able to rebound (catch) the ball they are
given another 14 seconds to attempt a shot. This 24 or 14-second count is displayed on a separate display to the scoreboard, which is operated by the “shot clock” operator. In most games at a community level, a shot clock is not used.
Why Become a Scoretable Official?
Just like with referees, there are many reasons why people might become score table officials. Most score table officials are fans of the game who enjoy being involved at the local level. They become score table officials to support basketball and the teams they love. Being a score table official does not require the same level of fitness and mobility that is needed to be a referee so score table can be a great way to stay connected to the game.
To find out more about score table please email our score table coordinator Calaya Rillie by clicking the button below: